Making Plans
Sunday, April 26, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 8
- Jungle Cats Episode 4
When she glanced up at him, her eyes may have met his, but he could tell she wasn't looking at him. Gabrielle was the quietest of the group; she trudged along with the rest of them, but she kept quiet. Every once in a while, when Hamadi would see her wipe tears from her eyes, he would glance at the others to see if anyone else noticed, and three pairs of sympathetic eyes would be peering back at him. Each one of them had lost family and sacrificed everything they'd known to be there, for the chance of mankind's survival. Everyone understood that they couldn't let pain interfere with progress, even Gabrielle, who sniffled when she thought no one was listening and let the tears fall when she thought no one was watching.
"Let's follow it," Chao suggested after a while. "Water and food are sure to be nearby."
"So is the animal," Anaya sighed. "I was so certain the scientists were right, but now I don't know what to think."
"We've come this far," Chao shrugged. "We have no food. No water and no other ideas. What else is there?"
Anaya and Raphael, as if sharing the same thought, both gazed up at the sky above them, but it was Anaya who spoke. "It's going to be dark soon. We don't want to go sneaking up on an unknown creature in the dark."
Raphael nodded in agreement. The sun was already dropping below the horizon, and he had already seen enough in the dark on Earth to scar him for life. "Let's just camp out here, where there a rocks to hide behind or throw, for the night. We can take off on an adventure tomorrow."
Gabrielle glanced at Hamadi's stomach, met his eyes absentmindedly, then turned to Raphael. "There's still a good two hours left of daylight. Do you know how far we can get in two hours?" Gabrielle pointed to Hamadi's stomach, and then to her own. "We need to make good use of time until we find more food. Then you can go back to sleep until one or whatever you did on Earth."
"You know nothing about me!" Raphael scowled. "You open your mouth once an hour and suddenly you know what's best?"
"Obviously I know more than you if you're willing to throw away two hours because you're scared of the dark."
"Knock it off," Chao rolled his eyes. "This isn't high school or a government meeting. This is our survival we're talking about—"
Hamadi nodded. "Yeah, we have to make decisions without ripping each other's heads off, otherwise we're never going to make it out here."
"We're like a herd now," Chao continued. "Or a tribe. We need trust and loyalty and friendship more than ever."
Gabrielle raised her eyebrow. "We need a plan." When all four sets of eyes glared at her, she waved them off with her hands. "I get what Chao is saying. He's right, but we really do need a plan."
So they compromised, instead of running off behind the phantom animal tracks or wasting the last two hours of daylight, they sat in a circle and began to formulate a plan.
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Photocredit: Image made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
A Glimpse of Darkness
Sunday, April 19, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 7
- Deserters Episode 3
Light blue drained from the sky as darkness fell, only to be replaced by brilliant shades of purple and pink interlocking streaks snaking across the sky. There was a full moon so large it encompassed at least a third of the sky. Unfortunately,—for now at least, it would be irrelevant, if they survived long enough to call the planet home—it was much dimmer than Earth's moon. As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, the surface of the planet was left with only a faint glow about as bright as a quarter moon.
Landon gestured at the stars beginning to twinkle in the backdrop. "I wonder how many of those stars are the same ones we watched at home."
"You worry about that," Giles said gruffly. "I'll worry about where we're going to sleep and when the next meal is."
Landon waved off Giles' pessimism with a flick of the wrist. "We'll sleep under the stars of course."
"And the food?" Giles continued. "Perhaps Anaya was right. We should have at least taken supplies from the ship."
Dennis pointed behind them at the plume of smoke rising from the rocky terrain. It was faint now, barely visible, but each of them had seen it earlier; they knew what he was referencing. "Too late now. Landon must have really gotten under her skin. Looks like they set the ship on fire."
"That so petty," Landon quipped. "Mankind's fate is left in our hands, we don't have time or the resources to fight each other."
Theo shrugged. "What if it isn't petty at all. What if its an SOS?"
As the others pondered Theo's hypothesis, Landon shook his head adamantly. "Why would they send out an SOS? The ship already crashed. They have the food."
"Maybe someone's sick..." Dennis offered. "The SOS could be to signal other survivors too. To lead them to a central location."
Landon rolled his eyes. "To lead them to the desert when they should be looking for water? That's smart. Anaya might have done that." He shrugged apathetically. "None of us have any medical experience so I don't see no cause to go back."
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A Discovery is Made Photocredit: Image made by Eillya-Marà using |
"It's gonna be ok, Giles," Sebastian offered. "We'll find food soon."
While Giles and Sebastian continued to discuss the possibilities for food, Landon decided to call another vote. "How much longer should we keep walking? The farther we push, the closer we are to finding something, but we can't walk all night."
No one disagreed, but no one was willing to be the one to admit he was tired either. So they kept walking, making small talk about how far they'd already traveled. Ten minutes later, they were overjoyed that no one had spoken up about fatigue. Growing out of the clay like sand was a sprinkling of short blue plants. They were solid and round with penny-sized yellow berries sprouting from the surface.
Giles was the first to run toward the plant. His hands waved in the air wildly, like a little body on a playground, but he wasn't concerned with what the others thought. "Food!" He exclaimed.
"Wait! What if its poison—" Landon's concern was too late. Giles was already swallowing a plucked berry and raiding the tree for more.
"They're sweet—like blueberries—and velvety like honey," Giles reported.
Sebastian shrugged. "There's nothing else to eat, might as well give it a try."
He joined Giles, rapidly plucking off the berries until they had cleared a whole side of the plant. They grinned at each other sheepishly. Sebastian lifted his hand to his face to wipe the juice from his mouth but was shocked to find his hand dripping wet.
"The tree! It's like a cactus. It stores water!" Giles called out to the others.
Sebastian's eyes went wide. "Looks like we hit the jackpot."
He tried to distract himself by watching the stars for familiar constellations. Astronomy had never been his subject of choice, but he was certain if he could find one star he remembered, he would feel more at ease. As he scanned the sky unsuccessfully, an orange light caught his eye. It was a small light—about the size of the smallest star he could see‐but it was moving across the surface of the moon.
The Depths Below
Sunday, April 12, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 6
- Lagooner Tribe Episode 2 / Forest Glader Tribe Episode 4
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Carine beneath the sea Photocredit: Image by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
"Was that you guys?" Ramón asked before bothering to introduce himself. "The music I mean."
Noah shook his head and his read hair whirled around viciously. "No way, I was gonna ask you the same thing."
"This is getting creepy. I mean what are the odds that we're hearing the same music when we started out so far from each other?" Janelle pondered on her own words as she surveyed the area. "Do you think it's coming from multiple places?"
"Maybe." Stefan admitted. "But I think we should should concentrate on finding water and food, not chase phantom songs."
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The Forest Gladers discuss the eerie music they keep hearing. Photocredit: Image made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
Noah's eyes went wide as though he'd just remembered something, then he reached out to Stefan and sked, "How's Ralph doing?"
Stefan placed the tiny turtle in Noah's hand gently and shrugged. "I don't know how long he can hold out."
"Is that a turtle?!" Bethany exclaimed.
"Wait, you found a turtle on the planet?"
"Yes and no," Stefan proceeded to explain how he snuck the turtle on board.
Janelle and Bethany exchanged glances as if they were asking each other's opinions, then shrugged simultaneously.
"Food and water would be nice," Ram&oactue;n agreed.
"I wonder how much time we have until sunset," Janelle pointed to the sun looming in the sky. "This we'll be ok without shelter?"
"Guess we'll find out," Noah shrugged. "Unless you have a tent handy."
"Wait—why don't we have tents?" Ramón asked. "What nutjub planned this?"
"You're right," Stefan scratched his head. "The pods have to have tents hidden in them somewhere. Maybe food too."
"So?" Janelle raised her eyebrow in Stefan's direction. "Are we going to a pod, or to find water?"
"I say we vote," Stefan shrugged. "Majority wins."
Her body was tired, but she couldn't stay in the water forever. Besides, she'd seen fish—small, but alive‐swimming beneath the soft gentle waves. The scientists were wrong, there was life, and Carine was no longer sure she was safe in the water.
Lost & Found
Sunday, March 29, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 5
- Jungle Cats Episode 3
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Smoke From A Normal Wreckage Photocredit: Image by gregsintx from |
"Don't give up yet," Chao pleaded. "Some of this might be salvageable. We should look for the seeds too; the sooner we plant something the faster we can harvest crops."
"Looks like we split up for nothing," Hamadi shrugged. "Guess it would have been smart to check the ship before concluding the discussion."
Anaya nodded in agreement. "Let pack up all the supplies we can find. Then we can try to catch up with the others." Anaya glanced at the smoldering remains and sighed. "If the smoke plume from the crash was big and pronounced like a normal crash, we'd have an easier mark for returning here."
Raphael shook his head. "No need dwelling on something you can't control."
Anaya 's eyebrow shot up. "No?"
"No." Raphael held his position as though he knew what Anaya was thinking, but the rest of the group continued picking through the food idly.
"If we fan the flames, just a little right before we leave—"
Raphael sucked in a sharp breath then expelled the air rapidly. "Why would we waste time doing that?"
Anaya shrugged. "Who says it'll take a long time? There's no way we flew across the universe with no weapons... I'm sure a grenade or two will liven that smoke up in no time."
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Raphael & Anaya Photocredit: Made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
"What if we need shelter? The plume of smoke would give us a way to find our way back, but what would we be coming back too?"
Anaya smiled devilishly. "It'll serve as a beacon, for all survivors; the 5 who left, and any others that might be out there. There's no animal life, so the worse case scenario is rain, right? We should be ok without shelter for a while. Don't you think?"
Chao groaned beside Gabrielle. "We're never going to find them!"
Gabrielle nodded in agreement. "I don't think this was part of The Survival Plan."
Chao's chuckled unexpectedly. "I wonder what all the people who planned this would think if they survived?"
"They'd probably lie to us and say everything was under control." Gabrielle frowned, though the friendly conversation was succeeding at dulling the ache in her heart.
"Wait, did you see that?" Chao pointed to the ground nearby. "It"s a trail."
Despite it's hard surface, the ground before them bore a trail of contoured markings in the distinct shape of some type of paw. The prints continued as far as Chao could see in the distance.
"Hey, I think Chao found something." Gabrielle called out to the others, who rushed to see what all the fuss was about.
Chao, now kneeling on the ground, was inspecting the tracks carefully. "I wish I knew something about animal tracks..."
Hamadi knelt beside him, running his fingers over the ground. "Any chance the other survivors made this as a trail back to the crash site?" Everyone, including Hamadi, shook their head no.
"Doesn't make sense, they would have started before now. Plus why make such an elaborate mark? A simple X would have sufficed." Raphael clarified. "This has to be an animal."
"There are no animals," Anaya and Hamadi said in unison.
Raphael pointed at the start of the trail and let his finger follow the trail across the horizon. "That says otherwise."
Five pairs of eyes moved from the trail to each other and back as each person tried to process the fact that perhaps they were not alone, after all. The prints were not excessively large, suggesting an animal about the size of a labrador, but that didn't mean anyone was in a rush to be face to face with the creature.
"Ok, I really wish I hadn't blown up the rest of The Ark now." Anaya's eye drifted to the plume of smoke in the distance. That was twice she had messed up in just a short period of time. She couldn't afford to mess up anymore; it might cost them their lives.
Cain Killed Abel
Sunday, March 22, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 4
- Deserters Episode 2 / Jungle Cats Episode 2
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Gabrielle Photocredit: Made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
Outside the bubble of misery she allowed to fill the pod, she could hear the sound of chaos. People shouting and screaming as though they had gone mad. It took a few minutes to compose herself, but eventually, Gabrielle exited the pod to see what the all commotion was.
"What's going on?" she asked the first person she saw, a boy perhaps in his mid-twenties.
"They're trying to agree on what to do next," the boy shrugged. "To bad none of the elected officials made it."
"This is it? All that's left of humanity?" Gabrielle stared wide eyed at the people before her. There was exactly ten of them (including herself), and only one other person was female. "Looks like this is the end of the line for mankind, huh?"
The guy responded with silence. There was nothing left for them to do but survive; he had made peace with the seemly inevitable demise of mankind long ago. Now that it was a reality, he only wished hadn't given up the party lifestyle so soon—what good would a career and good health do for him now?
Most of the people were huddled together ahead of them, although there was a young man standing near his pod surveying the terrain and a teenager, tinkering with some electronic gadget. Gabrielle followed the young man's gaze toward the horizon for a second, then proceeded toward the "crowd." She could worry about the scenery, or lack thereof, later.
"I think we should look for other parts of the ship," one of men was saying. "There could be more survivors, and more supplies."
"And when you get lost on this little expedition?" another sneered. "No thanks, I'm staying here with the food."
"You're going to have to leave this spot eventually," another joined in.
"No need to cross that bridge til' we get there."
"Look I'm probably the oldest person here, so I think I should be in charge," the first man said.
Gabrielle studied his face, he didn't look that old. In fact they all seemed like children to her. She wrinkled her nose at the idea such immature companions. She wasn't going to follow him anywhere.
"And what exactly are you going to be in charge of?" she asked. "There's no way we repopulate this planet with only two women, especially when I am in my mid-thirties and nearly past child-bearing age. We're basically here to pass time until we die. If anything you should be standing here at the ship rationing food."
"Precisely," someone agreed. "We need to be concerned with the basics: food, water, shelter. Right now, not much else matters."
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The Survivors Argue Photocredit: Made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
The other female was the first to respond to the suggestion. "That may be true, but there's no need for all of us to go."
The boy with the large afro shook his head vigorously. "Don't you watch movies? The first rule is never split up. People always die when they split up."
A few people chuckled, but the young girl responded with a serious tone. "We're the only living creatures on the planet. Splitting up is probably the safest thing we can do. There's no chance of someone trying to become The Last Supreme Dictator if we're miles and miles apart."
"Fine. Do what you want." It was obvious in both his tone and the way his lips curled, trying to mask his frown; he was upset that the survivors had not unanimously elected him leader. He continued speaking as though she were there only nay-sayer in the group. "Those of you who agree with me, we can talk about strategy. The rest of you can go die a slow meaningless death."
I rolled my eyes at his melodrama as the crowd began to disperse. After a few moments had passed, half of the crowd had disappeared, following the so-called leader, and the other half had stayed with the pods. None of those who had stayed behind was speaking, until a young man with black hair and Chinese features broke the silence.
"I guess we should introduce ourselves..." He shrugged stretching his hand out for a handshake with no one in particular. "I'm Chao."
The other female returned his handshake and smiled warmly. "Anaya."
"I'm Hamadi," said the tallest man, his long hair swaying as his head bobbed.
"Raphael,"the other guy said.
"Looks like its just us and the food." Chao said enthusiastically.
"Those idiots didn't even take supplies!" Raphael interjected. "Looks like our survivor count just got cut in half."
"Should we try to catch them?" Hamadi offered.
Anaya scoffed. "Landon said he was in charge and that he knew what he was doing. If they're dumb enough to follow him, let 'em." She pointed to the main part of the ship, which was still smoking and covered in scorch marks. "We have more important things to worry about."
"What if there isn't any food left? Did anyone check that it didn't all burn on impact?" Gabrielle watched the gray smoke drift upward and mix with the blue sky.
Perhaps they had split up for nothing.
Scattered Seeds
Sunday, March 15, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 3
- Forest Gladers Episode 3
"How am I going to find everyone else?" Janelle muttered to herself and then shouted, "Hello! Anyone else out there?"
After taking in the silence, Janelle rummaged through her escape pod for something that might help. If she stayed put she had shelter, but she still didn't have any food or water. She wished she had been able to sneak something useful into her pod, but by the time she had given any thought to the pod, they were plummeting toward the planet about to die—temporary survival had been her only concern.
She sighed, debating internally if she should abandon the pod in search of food and of course, other survivors. As she turned away from the pod, she heard the sound of leaves rustling. Searching for the source, she spun around until she noticed the trees shaking gently to her right.
"Hello?" Janelle called out. "Who's there?"
A girl, a little taller than Janelle, with long dark hair and a bright smile emerged from the rainbow of turquoise leaves. Excitement radiated through her expression as she took off in a sprint toward Janelle.
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Photo Credit: Comic made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
Winded, the girl came to a stop but didn't hesitate to embrace Janelle in a warm hug. "I'm Bethany."
Janelle went stiff at the breach of her personal space, but realizing that they may be the only two humans left in the universe, was overcome with emotion. She held back the wave of emotion she felt crashing inside and returned the friendly squeeze. "I'm glad you're here. I'm Janelle."
"I'm terrified." Bethany admitted, her shoulders slumped as she leaned against Janelle's pod. "Fiddle sticks! What are we supposed to do, now? How are we going to survive?"
Janelle shook her head. "I don't know. I guess we should find some food or something. The main ship and the commander pods have food, so if we can find one of those... Or maybe, there are some berry bushes in the woods... I don't know."
Bethany nodded in agreement. "No, I think you're on to something." Her eyes lingered on the multicolored bark of a nearby tree and she shuddered. "We should look for a commander pod. The berries here might be poisonous."
Just as Janelle started to agree with her, she heart a faint sound, similar to a mother humming a lullably. The notes were full and well pitched, but there was an odd quality about them that Janelle couldn't place her finger on. Instinctively, she turned to Bethany, who was leaning closer to the sound to get a better listen.
"Do you hear that?" she mouthed.
Janelle nodded. She took a long gaze at one of the taller trees nearby. Its branches were strong and sturdy, strong enough to support her weight, she surmised. She glanced at her nails, freshly manicured a painted just before she left Earth. She'd known it would be the last one she ever had, and she'd hoped it would last her more than her first twenty minutes on their new planet.
"We need a better vantage point to see where it came from." Janelle pointed at the tree and gave in to the fact that her days of manicured nails were officially over. "There's no use wandering blindly, right? I'm going to see if I can climb it."
"Are you sure that's safe?" Bethany's eyes ran the length of the tree; a fall from even one of the lower branches was not going to be pretty and they didn't know if any doctors had survived the crash. Bethany turned her eyes to Janelle and studied the stranger carefully. She didn't look like she could climb a tree—her nails were perfectly done and string of fancy pearls hung from her neck. "I don't think—"
"Well? I'm open to other ideas. I'm not ready to mess these nails up!" Janelle flashed Bethany a view of the orange and yellow swirls that decorated her nails. "What do you suggest?"
Bethany sighed, she didn't actually have another idea. "Fiddle sticks," she muttered. "I don't know."
Janelle shrugged and took her shoes off. "I won't go too high," she assured Bethany. "And I'll be extra careful."
The grass was soft like blades of silk tickling her toes as she made her way to the tree. She laid her hand on the rough magenta bark of the tree with the lowest bottom branch and sighed before hoisting her self up. It had been a long time since she'd needed any upper body strength and she could feel her arms shaking as they tried to support her climb. She couldn't give up, though. The tree was solid, all she had to do was keep her balance as she made her way higher.
"It's not so bad," Janelle called down to Bethany.
Bethany chewed her fingernails nervously. "Just be careful."
Janelle smiled to herself. The higher she climbed, the more she could see and it was beautiful. In the canopy of teal colored leaves, she could see that the forest was much larger than she expected. There were mountains in the far distance, but more importantly there was a clearing between the trees and the mountains.
"I think I found water," she called out. "It's kind of far though."
She continued surveying the terrain, hoping for a closer option. As her eyes swept the horizon, she noticed a section of the forest where the trees leaned haphazardly and many of the tops were doubled over. Her eyes strained to make out the steel gray of familiar metal, and she could feel her heart begin to race.
"I found a pod!" she exclaimed, excitedly. "It looks too small to be a commander pod, but maybe thats where the music came from. It's pretty close."
Bethany perked up at the sound of more survivors. "Can you see anyone?"
"No." Janelle focused on the area where the pod, disappointed that her discovery hadn't borne any fruit—of course all of the pods made it to the ground, that was how gravity worked. But something caught her eye, something red, something that was moving. "Wait, I think I see someone..."
"It must be another survivor, right?" Noah said shakily. "They have to be near by."
"I don't see what else it could be," Stefan shrugged nervously, he was certain the sound had come from Noah's pod. "Which way you want to start looking?"
Noah's expression told Stefan he was equally confused. After a few seconds, he pointed to his left at random. "That way maybe?"
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Photo Credit: Comic made by Eillya-Marà using BitStrips |
Stefan nodded. "We should be on the look out for water, too."
"Yeah. Good plan."
The two guys snaked over and under the fallen tree's from the wreckage before disappearing into the forest. Noah's red hair bobbed wildly as he sped walked forward. Stefan kept the pace, absentmindedly petting Ralph as they rushed toward nothing. At least two was better than one...
Seed of Doubt
Sunday, March 08, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 2
- Forest Gladers Episode 1
Stefan waited for the jolting to stop, but even with his escape pod snuggly planted in the planet's surface, his mind told him he was still spinning. His senses were confused, and his limbs were tense. He scolded himself for tensing during the plunge, knowing each second of tension would cost him hours of muscle pain later. As he waited for his brain to catch up with the stillness of his body, Stefan surveyed himself for injuries. When he found none, he sighed and closed his eyes.
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Image from BeautyScenery |
Stefan spun around in his seat, his eyes searching for the fragile companion he'd snuck on The Ark. Luck had been with him that turtles could enter cryosleep and that he had been able to sneak Ralph in his chamber without the scientists noticing, but he was doubtful the escape pod had kept Ralph free from injury. In the sloping corner of the pod, the bold red design of Ralph's shell caught Stefan's eye. Stefan bent slowly to scoop up the baby turtle and whispered calmly, hoping that inside the shell, there was still a living creature able to hear him.
"Its ok Ralph. I have you." Stefan stroked the shell of the turtle and sighed. "Don't worry, we'll find you a pond to live in and everything will be ok. Ralph?"
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Photo of a baby Western Painted Turtle (like Ralph) by David Barkasy from |
"Time to get moving, Ralph."
Stefan used the weight of his shoulder to pry open the escape pod's door, flooding the two Earthlings with a welcome burst of golden light.
From the sight of the planet from The Ark's windows, Stefan had doubted the scientists' assurance that there was a small amount of vegetation on the planet. He had expected a vast expanse of sand, like the dunes of the great deserts back on Earth. Instead, he was greeted with the lushness of alien grass and alien trees. The blades were not straight like the grass on earth, but rather twisted and turned in spirals, like a curly fur enveloping the ground. As he took his first steps, the grass was soft beneath the soles of his feet. It sunk beneath his weight, then spiraled upward again without the slightest trace of his footprint.
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Photo of a Eucalyptus Deglupa tree from ImgArcade |
There has to be water around here somewhere. He thought to himself. What did Grandpa say his grandparents use to do? Stefan shook his head, his ancestors would be ashamed to know that he didn't know any of their customs or traditions, but more importantly, Stefan was ashamed to know that he hadn't bothered to learn.
He took a deep breath and let the sound of the planet fill his ears. Stefan froze, hoping for the sound of rushing water—there would be no animals to lead him to their secret watering hole, and GPS was some thing they might never have again. There was the faint sound of wind ruffling the blue-green leaves above him, and the muted sound of his and Ralph's strained breathing. Everything else was silent.
After a few unsuccessful minutes passed by, he continued walking. Tree after tree, rock after rock, the forest seemed to stretch on forever. Of course, Stefan knew that wasn't the case, but he couldn't help marvel at the how much he had underestimated the scientists.
Stefan stopped again—he thought he heard something. As he stood still again, he heard a faint melody to his left. It was just a few notes, barely audible, sporadically dancing in and out of silence. Stefan knew it wasn't water, but the scientists' had reported that there was no animal life, let alone intelligent life, on the planet.
Where is that music coming from? Stefan wondered. It has to be another survivor...
Temporarily putting aside Ralph's need for water,—while holding out hope that this direction would also lead him to water—Stefan set out in a light jog toward the sound. He hadn't stopped to think about the possibility of being the only one to survive the crash, and now that he'd found hope that he wasn't, it was all he could think about... The thought of dying on a strange planet all alone hit Stefan like a wave. He hoped with all the strength he had, that his ears had not betrayed him, that just beyond the trees, there was at least one more person.
It didn't take long for another pod to come into view—it was wedged between a large tree with lavender bark and a gray rock, that reminded Stefan of granite. The door of the pod was slightly ajar, caught by the rock. A thick arm could be seen through trying to force the door open to no avail.
"Hold on." Stefan called out. "I'm coming to help."
There was a loud exhale and the arm disappeared. "I have no idea who you are, but you're my new best friend."
Stefan chuckled. "I'm Stefan."
"Well, Noah, your door is wedged on a rock. I think I can move it though." Stefan inspected the rock for a moment, looking for the flattest section of the surface. When he found a semi-smooth place, he set Ralph down gently, then slid both hands beneath it. As he began lifting the stone, an involuntary grunt escaped his lungs. "Whoo...maybe I should call this a boulder. It's heavier than it looks."
Noah swore. "Don't tell me I'm stuck in here."
"Nope." Stefan sucked in more air, "Almost..." more air, "got..." and more air, "it." Still heaving, Stefan retrieved Ralph while instructing Noah to try the pod door again.
This time the door swung open easily and out stepped a stocky red-head with piercing blue eyes. He was older than Stefan, but not by much. His shaggy hair bobbed around his face and a wide smile spread across his face.
"Thanks man. I thought I was a goner." Noah started to give Stefan a brotherly hug but stopped when he saw Ralph in his hand. His eyebrows twitched upward as his eyes moved from the turtle to Stefan. "You found a turtle? I thought there wasn't any animal life."
Stefan shook his head. "This is my pet Ralph. I snuck him on The Ark when we left Earth."
Noah stroked the turtle's shell. "Hey Ralph, how does it feel to be the only known turtle in the universe?"
"I was started to think I was the only human left, then I heard you singing."
"Me singing? Man, I can't sing to save my life." Noah scrunched his face in confusion, then shook his head. "I heard the singing in the distance and then you showed up so I figured it was you."
"Definitely not. I followed the sound to your pod."
The two guys searched the area with their eyes, then looked at each other nervously. "So where'd it come from then?" they both asked.
The Ark
Sunday, March 01, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Series Episode 1
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Image from Ultra Wallpapers |
Unnamed and barren, it looked like a brown marble with blue specks; nothing but vast expanses of desert and tiny blue pools of water could be seen. There was nothing green. There was no movement. No one could deny the fear of impending doom lurking in the shadows. There was a chance colonizing this planet would fail. Each scientist verbalized his or her concerns about the task that lie ahead, but the citizens of The Ark didn't need to understand all of the details to understand desperation. A unanimous vote proved everyone wanted the same thing—to fight for their survival. Each person on The Ark agreed, it was better to die fighting than rotting away as they drifted through space on The Ark.
"What are our odds of survival?" Kofi adjusted his uniform nervously—he wasn't just commanding this ship, he was commanding mankind's survival mission.
The scientist wouldn't meet Kofi's dark eyes. He didn't want to discuss the odds, not when there were no other choices, but Kofi was the highest ranking official on the vessel, that practically made him the president. He sucked in a frightful breath of air and started rattling off assumptions and technicalities before reaching the point.
"It's a coin toss, sir."
Kofi's dark fingers gripped the soft leather of the chair before him and clenched his jaw tight. Those were not the words Kofi wanted to hear.
"Not a word of this to the civilians." Kofi he said sternly. "Tell them the odds are higher. If they find out the truth there will be mass panic. They'll kill each other."
Kofi and the scientist had worked together to select the perfect location for landing—just south of the planet's equator near a body of water, about the size of the Caspian Sea which connected to a larger body of water. The water was flanked by a lush forest and a region of cascading plateaus. It was an oasis fit for a vacation, and their best chance for survival.
As The Ark descended into the gravitational field of the planet, Kofi watched the solid green and blue blobs of the oasis become more detailed and his spirits lifted. The Ark jostled in the sky as gravity fought for control. There was a brief tug of war and then, they were in hurdling toward the ground.
"Fuel supply depleted. Cannot power engine." the computer repeated mechanically. "Fuel supply depleted. Cannot power engine."
Kofi bowed his head as he tried to brace himself against chaos.
"God help us—"
Meet the Deserters
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Age: 18
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Nationality: American
- Age: 24
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Nationality: French
- Age: 24
- Eye Color: Hazel
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Nationality: British
- Age: 26
- Eye Color: Ice Blue
- Hair Color: Black
- Nationality: Greek
- Age: 30
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Nationality: American
Meet the Nomads
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Age: 16
- Eye Color: Grey
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Nationality: Dominican
- Age: 26
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Dark brown
- Nationality: Mozambican
- Age: 23
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Nationality: American
- Age: 19
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
- Nationality: Canadian
- Age: 22
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Red
- Nationality: American
Meet the Peacekeepers
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Ree Hughes 0 Comments
- Age: 28
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Nationality: American
- Age: 29
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Nationality: Ghanaian
- Age: 12
- Eye Color: Grey
- Hair Color: Brown
- Nationality: Brazilian
- Age: 19
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Color: Black
- Nationality: Russian
It seemed like an ordinary planet, devoid of animal life and boring. They seemed like ordinary people, mankind's remnant survivors tasked with ensuring the survival of the human race. But you should never judge a book by its cover.
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